Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Opening Salvo to End Mediocrity!

Welcome to the Eliminate Mediocrity blog. This new community is dedicated to the discussion of achieving excellence through the elimination of mediocrity. This endeavor evolves from a personal goal to make 2010 my year of NO MEDIOCRITY!

So why no mediocrity you ask…mediocrity is like a plague of lethargy…the minute that we settle or are satisfied with something less than optimal the more likely we are to accept that lesser outcome in the future. This spiral south is like a cancer that erodes our quality of life in every respect.

I am not sure if this is a “Maslov moment” (you know the guy with the Hierarchy of Needs – psychological, safety, love/belonging, esteem and self-actualization), but it seems reasonable that the surest path to personal self-actualization is through excellence. We only get so much sand in this hour-glass and losing one more moment to mediocrity is unacceptable.

It would be fun and enriching to share this journey with you. I’d love your constructive comments, thoughts, and participation. Truly, the more of us that personally commit to our personal vision of this quest the more we will positively affect each other.

Striving for excellence in everything, surrounding ourselves with others who are similarly purposed and championing excellence in our communities should all be important values for us!

Mediocrity can challenge us personally, relationally, organizationally and through our community and country. Please view this as your community to grow from and contribute to.

Please feel free to add to this list of No Mediocrity Founding Principles:
  • Life is to short for mediocrity - seriously...this party going to end...let's get something done...the fact that we existed should have positive meaning!
  • Improvement starts within - every day deserves and demands our best – this is not a dress rehearsal – show how good you can be.
  • Surround yourself with quality – spending more time with quality people will displace the chaff – buy quality good and services…the best tools are needed for the best results.
  • Affect quality in the community – our environment, our leaders, and our children all need our attention…don’t accept mediocrity there.

The road ahead…truly, what we do from here forward is all that we control. This is not about tomorrow…it is about today…this moment…can’t you feel the opportunity…!

Thank you for joining me on this journey. We collectively can affect the world.